Q: What do I get Certification as? 

A: An NLP Practitioner

Q: How long does the course take to finish?

A: 5 Days plus approx 4 hours to complete final assignment

Q: Will I take a test?

A: You complete a test at the end of the training programme to get your certification

Q: What do I need to do to get my Certification?

A: You must pass the test that is included at the end of the certification course with a score of 75% or better. If you fail you have a max of 3 times to pass. If you don’t pass all three times, you will be charged a £25 fee for another 3 chances and so on. You will also be required to submit an essay as instructed by your trainer to demonstrate your understanding

Q: How long does it take to get my Certifications?

A: We will send your certification as soon as possible once we have reviewed your test materials and given a passing score.

Q: I have seen similar courses sold for over £2,000 why is this one not as expensive?

A: NLP courses and schools are businesses and as such set their own fees. You can be assured that your trainer is suitably qualified to deliver you through your certification programme


Q: Is your certification accepted everywhere in the World?

A: Yes. To the best of our knowledge, at this time, our certification is accepted everywhere.

Q: Will I need any other training in order to practice NLP besides your course?

A: No. Our course is all you will need.

Q: Will I be properly trained if I pass the NLP certification program?

A: You will be ready to practice professionally however we suggest you practice with friends or family first or with a study partner.

Q: What about licensing requirements for NLP practitioners. Are there any?

A: At this time, to the best of our knowledge, there are no licensing requirements for NLP practitioners anywhere in the World. However, if you start a business, you will need business insurance. The names NLP and Neuro-linguistic Programming are not owned by any person or organisation, they are not trademarked intellectual property and there is no central regulating authority for NLP instruction and certification within the UK.

Q: Who are the AUNLP?

A: NLP was started in the US and The American Union is dedicated to the training and promotion of the world’s top NLP Practitioners and Teachers therefore, we remain vigilant in our successful efforts to educate people about NLP.

Aside from those who are full-time NLP Practitioners, you will find in our membership medical doctors, chiropractors, dentists, acupuncturists, etc. These professionals realize the power of NLP and incorporate NLP techniques in their practices.

AUNLP® was founded by Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D, Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer

Q: Will I receive a certificate?

A: Upon completion of this program, you will receive a beautiful certificate which you can proudly display for your clients to see. It will have your name, title (Certified NLP Practitioner), and your certification number.

Q: What will the certificate look like? Is there a sample?


NLP TrainingQ: Who is my trainer?

A: The program is taught by John Vinson TAP.cert, NLP Master Practitioner and certified NLP  Trainer and is also certified personally by Steve G Jones.

John has earned a reputation as one of the best trainers in the UK and has helped thousands of learners see further and reach higher

Q: What is the minimum age to be enrolled on your course?

A: 18.

Q: Do I need an advanced degree to practice NLP, such as a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree?

A: No. In the UK and most other countries, our program is all you need.

Q: Does the American Alliance of NLP help its trainees by promoting them online?

A: Yes. You will be listed on the international online list of Certified NLP Practitioners.

Q: I am a layman with no NLP background. Will this program actually take me from the ground floor up and teach me everything I need?

A: Yes. This program is extremely thorough and it will teach you everything you need to know to be a certified NLP Practitioner and help you run your own practice.

Q: What will be covered during the training programme?

A: You will learn and practice:

  • Learn how to use NLP to improve your life and others
  • Discover how John uses NLP in his own life to make changes
  • How to increase focus with NLP techniques
  • Establish goals you want to achieve with the program
  • Discover the meaning of the anagrams: HALT, WAR, and SHIP
  • Learn why will power is not enough
  • Learn how to practice NLP techniques
  • Discover how to establish rapport
  • Learn how to use the powerful technique of a visual squash
  • Discover how to use a sub modality transfer
  • Discover auditory and visual acuity tests
  • Discover the power of your senses
  • Discover NLP as a body of information
  • Learn the importance of using NLP for good and with respect
  • Learn about eye-accessing cues
  • Find out HOW people are thinking
  • Find out if someone is lying to you
  • Learn the important 3 questions to calibrate a person’s representational system
  • Learn about the major representational systems
  • Discover predicates
  • Discover how and why we use certain strategies
  • Learn what role our senses and representational systems play
  • Become more aware of decision making
  • Become more aware of subconscious thoughts
  • Learn how people relate
  • Perform an exercise that helps you tap into your representational system
  • Learn to tune into your senses to enhance your experience
  • Learn the power of metaphor
  • Learn to use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses in metaphors
  • Discover sub modalities and how you store information
  • Learn the “Circle of Excellence”
  • Learn to answer the question, “What?”
  • Discover the foundation of NLP
  • Learn the 10 presuppositions
  • Realize that people always make the ‘best’ choice
  • Every behaviour has a use
  • Learn how to instill change in clients
  • Learn the meta-model
  • Experience the “Now” exercise
  • Learn the importance of developing a plan
  • Discover the power of anchors
  • Learn how to anchor emotions in people
  • Learn the NLP technique of nominalization
  • Learn how to install an anchor
  • Learn about VAKOG
  • Learn how to chain anchors
  • Discover how to help people overcome fears with anchoring
  • Learn the technique “Changing personal history”
  • Discover the “Lie/truth exercise”
  • How to give new meaning to a memory
  • Learn to create something that never even existed
  • Learn The Superhero technique
  • Discover the importance of creating your own techniques
  • Learn to help people eliminate their fears with the movie theatre technique
  • The importance of anchoring safety
  • Learn the visual squash technique with regression to help people stop smoking
  • Discover the power of the swish pattern
  • Learn multiple types of swish patterns and how to use them
  • Learn to anchor others to you to have certain attributes
  • Discover the benefits of the Godiva chocolate pattern
  • Use the ‘new behavior generator’ to create new behaviours
  • Discover the benefits of pattern interrupt
  • How to perform an intervention on someone
  • Discover the power of advertising as a NLP practitioner
  1. #1 by Kathy Strong on March 19, 2014 - 12:48 pm

    Where are you going to run this course John? Let me know if you need any assistants. Welcome to the world of NLP. I know and follow Steve Jones. He and Joe Vitale work very closely together – promote each other. I feel another coffee coming on. Good luck with this course. People will be delighted with your training style. I should know, I have seen you in action x Kathy

  2. #2 by johnwvinson on March 25, 2014 - 6:01 pm

    Hi Kathy, I remember you talking about Steve Jones many years ago, which pointed me in his direction. Probably Canterbury… Looking at University. And yes, I owe you a coffee

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